-march=native is a gcc flag that enables auto-detection of CPU architecture and properties. Not only it allows you to avoid finding the correct value of -march= but also enables instruction sets that do not fit any standard CPU profile and detects the cache sizes.
Sadly, -march=native itself can’t really work well with distcc. Since the detection is performed when compiling, remote gcc invocations would use the architecture of the distcc host rather than the client. Therefore, the resulting executables would be a mix of different architectures used by distcc.
You may also find -march=native a bit opaque. For example, we had multiple bug reports about LLVM failing to build with -march=atom. However, some of the reporters were using -march=native, so we wasn’t able to immediately identify the duplicates.
In this article, I will guide you shortly on replacing -march=native with expanded compiler flags, for the benefit of distcc compatibility and more explicit build logs.