Final Report, Automated Gentoo System Updater

Project Goals

Main goal of the project was to write an app that will automatically handle updates on Gentoo Linux systems and send notifications with update summaries. More specifically, I wanted to:

  1. Simplify the update process for beginners, offering a simpler one-click method.
  2. Minimize time experienced users spend on routine update tasks, decreasing their workload.
  3. Ensure systems remain secure and regularly updated with minimal manual intervention.
  4. Keep users informed of the updates and changes.
  5. Improve the overall Gentoo Linux user experience.


Here is a summary of what was done every week with links to my blog posts.

Week 1

Basic system updater is ready. Also prepared a Docker Compose file to run tests in containers. Available functionality:

  • update security patches
  • update @world
  • merge changed configuration files
  • restart updated services
  • do a post-update clean up
  • read elogs
  • read news


Week 2

Packaged Python code, created an ebuild and a GitHub Actions workflow that publishes package to PyPI when commit is tagged.


Week 3

Fixed issue #7 and answered to issue #8 and fixed bug 908308. Added USE flags to manage dependencies. Improve Bash code stability.


Week 4

Fixed errors in ebuild, replaced USE flags with optfeature for dependency management. Wrote a blog post to introduce my app and posted it on forums. Fixed a bug in --args flag.


Week 5

Received some feedback from forums. Coded much of the parser (--report). Improved container testing environment.


Weeks 6 and 7

Completed parser (--report). Also added disk usage calculation before and after the update. Available functionality:

  • If the update was successful, report will show:
    • updated package names
    • package versions in the format “old -> new”
    • USE flags of those packages
    • disk usage before and after the update
  • If the emerge pretend has failed, report will show:
    • error type (for now only supports ‘blocked packages’ error)
    • error details (for blocked package it will show problematic packages)


Week 8

Add 2 notification methods (--send-reports) – IRC bot and emails via sendgrid.


Week 9-10

Improved CLI argument handling. Experimented with different mobile app UI layouts and backend options. Fixed issue #17. Started working on mobile app UI, decided to use Firebase for backend.


  • Pull requests: #16
  • Issues: #17

Week 11-12

Completed mobile app (UI + backend). Created a plan to migrate to a custom self-hosted backend based on Django+MongoDB+Nginx in the future. Added --send-reports mobile option to CLI. Available functionality:

  • UI
    • Login screen: Anonymous login
    • Reports screen: Receive and view reports send from CLI app.
    • Profile screen: View token, user ID and Sign Out button.
  • Backend
    • Create anonymous users (Cloud Functions)
    • Create user tokens (Cloud Functions)
    • Receive tokens in https requests, verify them, and route to users (Cloud Functions)
    • Send push notifications (FCM)
    • Secure database access with Firestore security rules


Final week

Added token encryption with Cloud Functions. Packaged mobile app with Github Actions and published to Google Play Store. Recorded a demo video and wrote gentoo_update User Guide that covers both CLI and mobile app.


Project Status

I would say I’m very satisfied with the current state of the project. Almost all tasks were completed from the proposal, and there is a product that can already be used. To summarize, here is a list of deliverables:

  1. Source code for gentoo_update CLI app
  2. gentoo_update CLI app ebuild in GURU repository
  3. gentoo_update CLI app package in PyPi
  4. Source code for mobile app
  5. Mobile app for Andoid in APK
  6. Mobile app for Android in Google Play

Future Improvements

I plan to add a lot more features to both CLI and mobile apps. Full feature lists can be found in readme’s of both repositories:

Final Thoughts

These 12 weeks felt like a hackathon, where I had to learn new technologies very quickly and create something that works very fast. I faced many challenges and acquired a range of new skills.

Over the course of this project, I coded both Linux CLI applications using Python and Bash, and mobile apps with Flutter and Firebase. To maintain the quality of my work, I tested the code in Docker containers, virtual machines and physical hardware. Additionally, I built and deployed CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions to automate packaging. Beyond the technical side, I engaged actively with Gentoo community, utilizing IRC chats and forums. Through these platforms, I addressed and resolved issues on both GitHub and Gentoo Bugs, enriching my understanding and refining my skills.

I also would like to thank my mentor, Andrey Falko, for all his help and support. I wouldn’t have been able to finish this project without his guidance.

In addition, I want to thank Google for providing such a generous opportunity for open source developers to work on bringing forth innovation.

Lastly, I am grateful to Gentoo community for the feedback that’s helped me to improve the project immensely.

Posted in 2023 GSoC, Automated System Updater | 1 Comment

gentoo_update User Guide


This article will go through the basic usage of gentoo_update CLI tool and the mobile app.

But before that, here is a demo of this project:

gentoo_update CLI App


gentoo_update is available in GURU overlay and in PyPI. Generally, installing the program from GURU overlay is the preferred method, but PyPI will always have the most recent version.

Enable GURU and install with emerge:

eselect repository enable guru
emerge --ask app-admin/gentoo_update

Alternatively, install from PyPI with pip:

python -m venv .venv_gentoo_update
source .venv_gentoo_update/bin/activate
python -m pip install gentoo_update


gentoo_update provides 2 update modes – full and security. Full mode updates @world, and security mode uses glsa-check to find security patches, and installs them if something is found.

By default, when run without flags security mode is selected:


To update @world, run:

gentoo-update --update-mode full

Full list of available parameters and flags can be accessed with the --help flag. Further examples are detailed in the repository’s readme file.

Once the update concludes, a log file gets generated at /var/log/portage/gentoo_update/log_<date> (or whatever $PORTAGE_LOGDIR is set to). This log becomes the basis for the update report when the --report flag is used, transforming the log details into a structured update report.

Send Report

The update report can be sent through three distinct methods: IRC bot, email, or mobile app.

IRC Bot Method
Begin by registering a user on an IRC server and setting a nickname as outlined in the documentation. After establishing a chat channel for notifications, define the necessary environmental variables and execute the following commands:

export IRC_CHANNEL="#<irc_channel_name>"
export IRC_BOT_NICKNAME="<bot_name>"
export IRC_BOT_PASSWORD="<bot_password>"
gentoo-update --send-report irc

Email via Sendgrid
To utilize Sendgrid, register for an account and generate an API key). After installing the Sendgrid Python library from GURU, save the API key in the environmental variables and use the commands below:

emerge --ask dev-python/sendgrid
export SENDGRID_TO=''
export SENDGRID_API_KEY='SG.****************'
gentoo-update --send-report email

Notifications can also be sent via the mobile app. Details on this method will be elaborated in the following section.


gentoo_update Mobile App


Mobile app can either be installed from Github or Google Play Store.

Play Store

App can be found by searching ‘gentoo_update’ in the Play Store, or by using this link.

Manual Installation
For manual installation on an Android device, download the APK file from
Releases tab on Github. Ensure you’ve enabled installation from Unknown Sources before proceeding.


The mobile app consists of three screens: Login, Reports, and Profile.

Upon first use, users will see the Login screen. To proceed, select the Anonymous Login button. This action generates an account with a unique user ID and token, essential for the CLI to send reports.

The Reports screen displays all reports sent using a specific token. Each entry shows the update status and report ID. For an in-depth view of any report, simply tap on it.

On the Profile screen, users can find their 8-character token, which needs to be saved as the GU_TOKEN variable on the Gentoo instance. This screen also shows the AES key status, crucial for decrypting the client-side token as it’s encrypted in the database. To log out, tap the Sign Out button.
Note: Since only Anonymous Login is available, once logged out, returning to the same account isn’t possible.


Preferred method for getting help or requesting a new feature for both CLI and mobile apps is by creating an issue in Github:

Or just contact me directly via and IRC. I am in most of the #gentoo IRC groups and my nick is #LabBrat.

  • [Link] – gentoo_update CLI repository
  • [Link] – Mobile App repository
Posted in 2023 GSoC, Automated System Updater | 4 Comments

Week 12 report on porting Gentoo packages to modern C

Hello all, hope you’re doing well. This is my week 12 report for my
project “Porting Gentoo’s packages to modern C”

Similar to last week I took up bugs from the tracker randomly and
patched them, sending patch upstream whenever possible. Unfortunately,
nothing new or interesting.

Also been working with Juippis on masking firefox-bin and rust-bin in
glibc llvm profile, Juippis has for now reverted the commit masking
those bin packages, but likely a proper fix will be committed soon.

Just warping things up for final review. I’m also in 1:1 contact with
Sam in case there is some major work needed on a particular section of
my project or a package.

And to be honest, it not really much, I’ve been under the weather a bit
and busy with some IRL stuff.

This week I’ve some free time which I plan on dedicating to lapac and
fortran bug on llvm profile. With that solved, we will be able to close
a good number of bugs sci package related bugs and also some qemu
related bugs (as that pull some packages like apack and lapack). I’ll
probably also sit with Sam for this one, hopefully we’ll be able to calk
something out.


I forgot to mention that this is going to be the last week, so I’ll wrap things up after talking with my mentors. Also will create a separate blog post that will link all of my work throughout the weeks in brief and will be used as the final submission.

Till then see yah!

Posted in 2023 GSoC, Modern C Package Porting | Leave a comment

Week 11+12 Report, Automated Gentoo System Updater

This article is a summary of all the changes made on Automated Gentoo System Updater project during weeks 11 and 12 of GSoC.

Project is hosted on GitHub ( gentoo_update and mobile app).

Progress on Weeks 11 and 12

During last 2 weeks I’ve completed app UI and Firebase backend. Most of the work is done!

I’m not entirely pleased with how the backend works. In Firebase, I ended up using:

  • Firestore (security rules defined here)
  • Cloud Functions (defined here)
  • Cloud Messaging (FCM).

After a user authenticates using anonymous login, a token is automatically registered in Firestore. This token is later used by gentoo_update to send reports. Cloud Functions manage the token’s creation. In fact, all database write operations are handled by Cloud Functions, with users having read-only access to the data they’ve created. Here is how to send the report via token:

export GU_TOKEN="<token ID>"
gentoo-update --send-report mobile

Internally, gentoo-update talks to a Cloud Function. This function checks the token, then saves the report in Firestore for the user to access.

This differs from the original idea, where I didn’t intend to save reports in Firestore. The initial plan was to have the client side listen and let Firebase route report content from the Gentoo system to the app. But this method often missed reports or stored them incorrectly, causing them to vanish from the app. To solve this, I chose to save the reports and tokens, but with encryption.

I’ve came up with a solution to create a custom backend for the app, which users will be to self-host, more about in the Challenges section.

Apart from the web app, I’ve fixed some minor issues in gentoo-update and pushed the latest ebuild version to GURU repository (commit link).


While Firebase offers a quick way to set up a backend, it has its drawbacks:

  • Not all its best features are free.
  • Some of its operations aren’t transparent.
  • It doesn’t offer self-hosting.
  • Its rate-limiting and security features aren’t as strong as needed. To tackle these concerns, I’m considering a custom backend using this tech stack: Linux + Docker + Python/Django + MongoDB + Nginx.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Django will serve as the backend, handling tasks similar to Cloud Functions.
  • MongoDB, a document database, will take Firestore’s place.
  • Nginx adds extra capabilities for rate-limiting, load balancing, and security checks.

If necessary, MongoDB can be swapped out for a relational database because the backend will heavily utilize ORM. The same flexibility applies to Nginx.

A highlight of this approach is that everything can be defined in a Docker Compose file, simplifying self-hosting for users.

Plans for Week 13 (final week 🎉)

Here is my plan for the final week of GSoC’2023:

  1. Add encryption to the Firestore. I don’t want any user data to be stored in plain text.
  2. Improve some UI elements and add a pop-up with commands to copy/paste.
  3. Publish mobile app to Playstore.
  4. Write a detailed blog post on how to use the whole thing.
  5. Writa a post on forums.
Posted in 2023 GSoC, Automated System Updater | Leave a comment

Week 11 report on porting Gentoo packages to modern C

Hello all, hope you’re doing well. This is my week 11 report for my
project “Porting Gentoo’s packages to modern C”

Similar to last two weeks I took up bugs from the tracker randomly and
patched them, sending patch upstream whenever possible. Unfortunately,
nothing new or interesting.

I’ve some open PRs at ::gentoo that I would like to work on and get
reviews on from mentor/s.

This coming week is going to be the last week, so I would like to few more bugs and
start working on wrapping things up. However, I don’t plan on abandoning
my patching work for this week (not even after GSoC) as there is still
lots interesting packages in the tracker.

Till then see yah!

Posted in 2023 GSoC, Modern C Package Porting | Leave a comment

Week 9+10 Report, Automated Gentoo System Updater

This article is a summary of all the changes made on Automated Gentoo System Updater project during weeks 9 and 10 of GSoC.

Project is hosted on GitHub (gentoo_update and mobile app).

Progress on Weeks 9 and 10

I have finalized app architecture, here are the details:

The app’s main functionality is to receive notification from the push server. For each user, it will create a unique API token after authentication (there is an Anonymous option). This token will be used by gentoo_update to send the encrypted report to the mobile device using a push server endpoint. Update reports will be kept only on the mobile device, ensuring privacy.

After much discussion, I decided to implement app’s backend in Firebase. Since GSoC is organized by Google, it seems appropriate to use their products for this project. However, future plans include the possibility of implementing a self-hosted web server, so that instead of authentication user will just enter server public IP and port.

Example usage will be something like:

  1. Download the app and sign-in.
  2. App will generate a token, 1 token per 1 account.
  3. Save the token into an environmental variable on Gentoo Linux.
  4. Run gentoo_update --send-report mobile
  5. Wait until notification arrives on the mobile app.

I have also made some progress on the app’s code. I’ve decided to host it in another repository because it doesn’t require direct access to gentoo_update, and this way it will be easier to manage versions and set up CI/CD.

Splitting tasks for the app into UI and Backend categories was not very efficient in practice, since two are very closely related. Here is what I have done so far:

  • Create an app layout
  • Set up Firebase backend for the app
  • Set up database structure for storing tokens
  • Configure anonymous authentication
  • UI elements for everything above


I’m finding it somewhat challenging to get used to Flutter and design an modern-looking app. My comfort zone lies more in coding backend and automation tasks rather than focusing on the intricacies of UI components. Despite these challenges, I am 60% sure that in end app will look half-decent.

Plans for Week 11

After week 11 I plan to have a mechanism to deliver update reports from a Gentoo Linux machine.

Posted in 2023 GSoC, Automated System Updater | Leave a comment

Week 10 report on porting Gentoo packages to modern C

Hello all, I’m here with my week 10 report of my project “Porting
gentoo’s packages to modern C”

So apart from the usual patching of packages from the tracker the most
significant work done this week is getting GNOME desktop on llvm
profile. But it is to be noted that the packages gui-libs/libhandy,
dev-libs/libgee and sys-libs/libblockdev require gcc fallback
environment. net-dialup/ppp was also on our list but thanks to Sam its
has been patched [0] (and fix sent upstream). I’m pretty sure that
the same work around would work on musl-llvm profile as well. Overall
point being we now have two DEs on llvm profile, GNOME and MATE.

Another thing to note is currently gui-libs/gtk-4.10.4 require
overriding of LD to bfd and OBJCOPY to gnu objcopy, it is a dependency
for gnome 44.3.

Unfortunately, time is not my friend here and I’ve got only two weeks
left. I’ll try fix as many as packages possible in the coming weeks,
starting with the GNOME dependencies.

Meanwhile lot of my upstream patches are merged as well, hope remaining
ones get merged as well, [1][2] to name a few.

Till then, see ya!


Posted in 2023 GSoC, Modern C Package Porting | Leave a comment

Weekly report 9, LLVM-libc

Hi! This week I’ve pretty much finished the work on LLVM/Clang support
for Crossdev and LLVM-libc ebuild(s). I have sent PRs for Crossdev and
related ebuild changes here:
This PR includes changes for compiler-rt which are always needed for
Clang crossdev, regardless of libc. There are also changes to musl,
kernel-2.eclass (for linux-headers), and a new eclass, cross.eclass.

I made a gentoo.git branch that has LLVM-libc, libc-hdrgen ebuilds and a
gnuconfig patch to support
LLVM-libc.…alfredfo:gentoo:gentoo-llvm-libc. I
want to merge Crossdev changes and ebuilds before merging
this. Previously all autotools based projects would fail to configure on
LLVM-libc because there was no gnuconfig entry for it.

I have also solved the problem from last week not being able to compile SCUDO
into LLVM-libc directly. This was caused by two things, 1) LLVM-libc
only checked for compiler-rt in LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS, not
LLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES which is needed for using “llvm-project/runtimes”
as root source directory (“Runtimes build”).
Fix commit:
2) Many compiler-rt configure tests would fail because of LLVM-libc not
supporting dynamic linking, and therefore disable the build of
SCUDO. This was fixed by passing
to manually compile the source files and append object files into
libc.a, yay!

Now I will continue to fix packages for using LLVM-libc Crossdev, or
more likely, add needed functionality into LLVM-libc. I will of course
also fix any comments I get on my PRs.


Posted in Bootstapping LLVM | Leave a comment

Week 9 report on porting Gentoo packages to modern C

Hello all, hope you’re doing well. This is my week 9 report for my
project “Porting Gentoo’s packages to modern C”

Similar to last week, I picked up bugs at random and started submitting
patches. But this time I made sure to check out the upstream and send in
patches whenever possible, if it turned out to be difficult or I
couldn’t find upstream I made sure to make a note about it in the PR
either via commit message or through a separate comment. This way it’ll
help my Sam keep track of things and my progress.

Apart from that nothing new or interesting unfortunately.

Coming next week the plan is the same, pick up more bugs and send in
PRs, both in ::gentoo and upstream whenever possible. I also have some
free time coming week, so plan to make up for lost time during my sick
days in the coming week, as there still lots of packages that require

I would like to note here, that I made an extra blog post last week
about setting testing environment using lxc and the knowledge about
using gentoo’s stage-3 tarballs to create custom lxc gentoo images. I
don’t really expect anyone following it or using it, mainly put that up
for future reference for myself.

Till then, see ya!

Posted in 2023 GSoC, Modern C Package Porting | Leave a comment

Weekly report 8, LLVM libc

Hi! This (and last week) I’ve spent my time polishing the LLVM/Clang
crossdev work. I have also created ebuilds for llvm-libc, libc-hdrgen
and also the SCUDO allocator. But I will probably bake SCUDO into the
llvm-libc ebuild instead actually.

One thing I have also made is a cross eclass that handles cross
compilation, instead of having the same logic copy-pasted in all
ebuilds. To differentiate a “normal” crossdev package and LLVM/Clang
crossdev I decided to use “cross_llvm-${CTARGET}” as package category
name. This is necessary since you need some way to tell the ebuild about
using LLVM for cross. My initial idea was to handle all this in the
crossdev script, but crossdev ebuilds are self-contained, and you can do
something like “emerge cross_llvm-gentoo-linux-llvm/llvm-libc” and it
will do the right thing without running emerge from crossdev. Hence I
need to handle cross compilation in the ebuilds themselves, using the
eclass. Me and sam are not sure if a new eclass is the right thing to
do but I will continue with it until I get some more thoughts as we can
just inline everything later without wasting any work.

I feel pretty much done now except for baking SCUDO directly into the
llvm-libc ebuild. Actually it is very simple to do but I got some issues
with libstdc++ when using llvm/ as root source directory for the libc
build, which is necessary to use when compiling SCUDO. Previously I used
runtimes/ as root directory, and that worked without issue. Currently to
work around this you can just compile the source files in
llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/scudo/standalone and append the object
files into libc.a. LLVM libc then just works with crossdev and you
can compile things with the emerge wrapper as usual, but currently a lot
of autotools things break due to me not having specified gnuconfig for
llvm-libc yet.

I had a lot of trouble last week with sonames when doing an aarch64 musl
crossdev setup and running binaries with qemu-user, however it turned
out it was just a warning and it worked after setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH as
envvar to qemu-user. I spent a loong time on this.

Currently I will need to upstream changes to compiler-rt ebuild, musl
llvm-libc ebuild, libc-hdrgen, cross.eclass, and of course crossdev.

Next week I will send the changes upstream for review and continue work
on LLVM libc, most likely simple packages like ed, and then try to get
the missing pieces upstreamed to LLVM libc. fileno() is definitely
needed for ed.

Last week I did not write a blog post as I was in “bug hell” and worked
on a lot of small things at once and thought “if I just finish this I
can write a good report”, and then wednesday came, and I decided to just
do an overview of all my work for this weeks’ blog instead 😀

– —

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