I just committed the ebuild in Portage and noticed that Homebrew already updated its Formula.
I spent some time in Berlin at LinuxTAG manning the VideoLAN booth and feeding people with VLC and Libav chocolate (many thanks to Borgodoro for providing me with their fine goods).
During the weekend we held the VideoLAN association meeting in the SoundCloud office, thanks a lot again for the wonderful venue.
Unmask in Gentoo
I’m slowly getting a tinderbox up with the help of Flameeyes so we can make sure nothing unexpected happens, the new refcounted API for Frames and Packets makes quite compelling updating from 9 even if we’ll keep updating both release branches for the next year and half.
You can help
There are a number of packets that depend on old 0.8 ffmpeg application and it won’t really work with the current avconv nor with the ffmpeg provided by the recent versions since the new option parsing code written by Anton ended up there as well. Most of those application are either fully orphaned or they have patches to work with avconv because the Debian and Ubuntu developers took care of it. Nikoli provided me with a list.
HWAccel 1.2
This week-end I eventually merged hwaccel1.2 and I hope to get the AVResample updates finalized by this week.
There had been some discussion regarding backporting the latter to release 10 since they simplify a bit porting to the new resampling library.
Rotation reporting API
Vittorio was working on a mean to export the rotation matrix from MOV and SEI NALs since a while. The devil is usually in the details and I guess it had been an hell of fun for him. Even more since he switched continent meanwhile.
After the Linus rant about not having the automagic support for rotation, we had some decent pressure applied to get it out so people will be able to enjoy it. Hopefully it will appear by the week end as well.