Playing with Mambo Cell simulator part I

Since I was curious about it and someone on #ffmpeg pointed out that the cpu simulator now is working on ppc (before was just x86+fedora only) I started hacking a bit to see what’s available and how to get it working w/out having fedora in the equation (and maybe produce a nice stage3 to play with it…).

So far I had to mess around a bit to collect all the needed stuff and to get a glimpse on how they should build and play together.

Looks like there were too many people working on it w/out much coordination since you may easly start from a shell script that helpfully tries to fetch and check the packages you should require, then it tries to issue some make over a quite complex unpacked tree, then the Makefile calls rpmbuild to use some provided spec files that in turn will patch the mentioned sources, call some shell script, that will call make and ….

Well I guess you may see already the point. Once I got everything working using this convoluted way I’ll try to get everything working the gentoo way (as in having an overlay with app-emulation/mambo and add the spu patches to our toolchain to get a cross environment like the others)

If someonelse is interested and/or started already playing with it, any help is warmly welcomed, I don’t have much time so everything could be quite slow.

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