Security & Fuzzing

New year, new bugs and, since apparently lots of people are interested,
new posts about security.

The main topic is obviously libav and the bugs we are fixing here and there thanks to Mateusz and Gynvael kindly providing us fuzzed samples.

Fuzz testing

Many programs expect a certain input and provide a certain output, most of the time you miss a corner case and it leads to unexpected situations.
Fuzzing is one of the most effective black-box testing testing technique and in case of complex input (such as multimedia protocols and codecs) it does wonders spotting unhandled or mishandled conditions.

We are keeping a page about the tools useful to track bugs, since, unluckily, for us most bugs are security issues.

Fuzz testing is tersely explained there and the tools useful for the task are all there. We had a Google Code In mostly devoted in spotting crashes using zuff.

Sadly fuzzing using zuff is time consuming and requires a decent amount of cpu since even AddressSanitizer is relatively slow and in many cases you want to use valgrind: memory leaks are a security issue as well.


Google is using Libavformat and Libavcodec in many projects and last year they started to share with us the results of their huge fuzzing system, what would take to me probably years takes them few days at most.

Before, outside Google developers, just Michael Niedermayer had access to the samples and since we usually do not agree on how to solve problems had been quite a problem figuring out the real problem from his patches and fix it for real.

Now things are quite better and I had the chance to get some feedbacks about new code (such as vp9) before having it landing in the main tree.
We could spot a couple of issues during review and with zuff we could spot some more, Google fuzzing found twice as many. That gives you an idea on how useful this kind of activity is for our code. Thinking about corner cases in complex code is HARD.

Fixing security issues

Initially it was painful, you get a huge amount of samples and you have to run them through avconv instrumented with valgrind or such tools (drmemory, asan, msan), then figure out where the problem is and hopefully fix it. Doing it manually can be tedious.

You need some form of coordination so people can work on different issue and not stomp of each other feet.


Currently our setup is a bit more organized, we have a central place in which some nice scripts to triage and categorize the samples and provide a sort of nice report with a per-codec and per-format breakout. Me, Martin, Diego, Anton and other interested parties have access to the samples and the scripts so we can work together having 1/2 of the time consuming and boring part done once and for everybody, probably soon I’ll extend it to be even more smarter and have some bug aggregation heuristic.


Valgrind integrates with gdb quite well, AddressSanitizer more or less on the same level with some few lines of .gdbinit to make the whole experience
smooth. Currently I’m mostly using asan with gcc-4.8* and I’m looking forward to see new drmemory releases since it seem quite promising.

Valgrind is used mostly to make sure memory leaks hadn’t been left around once all the asan-reported issues got fixed.

Fixes and Reviews

One of the annoying problems in fixing security issues is that you first see where it breaks but maybe the reason why is FAR from there.

Usually you might rush and just fix the damn bug where it breaks, it can be as wrong as using duct tape to plug an hole in the ceiling, sure it won’t drip on you from there, but if you don’t go and follow the plumbing or check the roof you never know what will happen next.

You might had spent already an hour sifting through gdb and error logs and you can’t spot a better place where to fix and since it isn’t a job you devote just enough time.

There is where usually reviews shine: having more than a pair of (tired) eyes helps a lot and getting people to take over from where you left and get something better quite good.


One of the nice perks of the current automated system is that is quite easy to check if the problems are present also in our current supported release branches. Backporting patches is yet another time consuming task and Reinhart, our release manager, couldn’t do that for the past point releases so Sean, Martin and I took the interim for that.

So far

The total amount of samples received is over 1600 of which 240+ are new samples triggering issues in hevc (patches for fixing all of them are already on review luckily).

There are less than 300 samples still waiting for a fix lots of them involve some of the ugliest and oldest lines of our codebase.

Luckily I’m not alone and hopefully in the process we’ll also freshen code untouched since ages and look at how naive we were when we wrote it.

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