The Master Cleanse: Day 7

Day 7 went off fairly well without a hitch. I did the flush thing in the evening, and it worked for the most part. However, I only wound up drinking 5 glasses of lemonade instead of 6. And I’ve discovered something — the fast isn’t what makes me cold. The flush is what makes me cold. I don’t know why, but there it is.

I can’t believe 7 days have gone by already. On the one hand, I can’t wait for day 10 to arrive. On the other, I feel I could do it for another few days, maybe another week to 10 days. I even had thoughts of Arks (as in Noah’s, you know with the 40 days thing). I won’t, though, at least not this time. Perhaps next summer, though. This time around, since Aimee and I are heading out to a tropical island for the non-denominational holiday beginning on the 25th of– Christmas holiday we intend to eat, man. Yeah, we’ll be chowing down at the resort, I can tell you that.