The Master Cleanse: Day 4

So, things did change today. Aimee’s cold stepped up in intensity. She’s been achy and throat hurty all day. We decided it was best she go off the fast, and onto some soup. She had some veggie soup tonight for dinner (carrots, celery, red potatoes, white potatoes, mushrooms, squash, onions, and tomatoes). Smelled great. I helped her with the veggie chopping.

Now, I know why this time around has been so easy: there wasn’t any food smell in the house! Tonight was a definite struggle for me. Not that I was craving anything in particular (though I did crave chocolate for a little while this afternoon), just that I wanted to eat something. I decided to, um, stay the course, since I’m almost halfway through the fast anyway. Aimee’s feeling bad and guilty for leaving it, though she has absolutely no reason to. It’s better, I think, she take the soup and stuff to help her body fight the cold.

We’ll probably do another cleanse in January or February, and we’ll do it together then. I’m rather inclined to wait till the worst of winter is over, because frankly this fast does make you a little cold anyway. Granted, the cayenne’s heat helps to warm one up a little, but it doesn’t last overly long. It’s especially cold after a flush.

Speaking of flush, I didn’t even do it this morning, because I woke up so damned late. I have a thing against public toilets, as I may or may not have mentioned in a prior post (I’m pretty sure I did), so I wasn’t going to go to work with a full flush still to go.

Tomorrow will consequently be a big flush, I guess, because it’s been 3 days since I’ve really flushed anything. Here’s hoping.