Pre-made Builds

Had been years I’m maintaining the win32 builds, about 2 weeks ago I had the n-th failure with the box hosting it and since I was busy with some work stuff I could not fix it till this week.

Top-IX graciously provided a better sized system and I’m almost done reconfiguring it. Sadly setting up the host and reconfigure it is a quite time consuming task and not so many (if all) show appreciation for it. (please do cheer for the other people taking care of our other piece of infrastructure from time to time).

The new host is since it will host builds that are slightly more annoying to get. Probably it will start with just builds for the releases and then if there is interests (and volunteers) it will be extended to nightly builds.


More Platforms

The first an more apparent is that we’ll try to cover more platforms, soon I’ll start baking some Android builds and then hopefully Apple-oriented stuff will appear in some form.

Building Libav in itself is quite simple and hopefully documented well enough and our build system is quite easy to use for cross building.

Getting some of the external dependencies built, on the other hand, is quite daunting. gnutls/nettle and x265 are currently missing since their build system is terrible for cross compiling and my spare time didn’t allow to get that done within the deadline I set for myself.

Possibly in few weeks we will get at least the frameworks packaging for iOS and Android. Volunteers to help are more than welcome.

New theme

The new theme is due switching to nginx so now thanks to fancy_index is arguably nicer.

More builds

The original builds tried to add almost everything that was deemed useful and thus the whole thing was distributed under gpl. Since I noticed some people might not really need that or might just want less functionality I added a lgpl-distributable set. If somebody feels useful having a version w/out any dependencies, please drop me a line.


Thanks again to Top-IX for the support and Gabriele in particular for setting up the new system while he was in a conference in London.

Thanks for Sean and Reinhart for helping with the continuous integration system.

Enjoy the new builds!

Post Scriptum: token of appreciation in form of drinks or just thank you are welcome: writing code is fun, doing sysadmin tasks is not.

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