Libav10 Release Progress

We are working on getting some few remaining bits in the tree before we could eventually branch release/10, lots of low hanging fruits are being reaped right now. Soon we’ll get the first beta out, thus freezing the featureset. If something you need doesn’t make it don’t be afraid the release/11 will be much quicker and appear in spring.

Missing from the next beta

There are a number of speed improvement people would like to land before we open the branch and that are polished this week-end.

The results of the preliminary work Vittorio and I are doing on MVC are getting merged already since they just make the h264 decoder nicer to read.

Some less famous codecs are getting some slices of attention, even if some fringe ones requiring additional data structures might not make 10.

Missing from the actual release

Downstream updates cross-distribution

We are doing our best to track which downstream projects need an API update, help is more than welcome. Soon we’ll have a tinderbox run to check what’s the status in Gentoo, Debian has already some reports and hopefully we’ll get some feedback from our friends at OpenSuse as well.

Fuzz cleansing some pending bugs

I still have some in my list and I’m fixing them while not merging the pending patchsets deemed useful for this release. Luckily that part must be finished by the last beta and not the first one.


We are getting more data in the wiki and our doxy is getting polished and the examples section is getting richer and more structured (eventually). By the time we hit this release all the pending work on this side will be available for consumption.

Sprint in March

I decided to postpone the first Libav sprint/meeting by one month and probably the focus will change a bit, the wiki will be updated accordingly.

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