Yesterday (2012/01/16 20:00 UTC) we had the first Gentoo KDE team meeting this year. The meeting happened in #gentoo-meetings on freenode.
- Participants: alexxy, dilfridge, jmbsvicetto, johu, mschiff, tampakrap, Thev00d00
- Agenda
- Log
- Lead election is delayed, because 12 months not over
- We keep kdepim-4.4 in tree as long as it works and provide kdepim-l10n package
- Kdeenablefinal build feature will be removed today
- Phonon xine backend will be removed in 15 days
- We expect no big issues with Qt 4.8, only kdenlive is not building at the moment
- eselect boost vs. latest boost is not a Gentoo KDE scope only issue, we will move the discussion to the gentoo-dev mailing list
- … read log 😛 or wait for the full summary by tampakrap
- My netbook had a kernel panic while the meeting :-/