Week 5 report on porting Gentoo packages to modern C

I’m writing this report on 13th July, almost two week late. See week 6 report for that, I had fallen a bit sick.

Hello all, this is my week 5’s report for my project “Porting Gentoo’s
packages to Modern C”.

First things first, we now have MATE desktop and related packages
ported. Not only just in Modern C, but it’s now compatible with
gettext-0.22, too [1]. So if you are using llvm-musl or the llvm profile
you can use MATE desktop.

While fixing MATE settings-daemon I’ve learned two very valuable
lesson (thanks to my Sam),
– Getting feedback from upstream devs is important
– Casting variables in incompatible function pointer type of errors is
not always correct, it might only temporarily fix the problem/silence
the warning.
I’m going to keep this two points in mind for the next and upcoming

Apart from the MATE work, I mostly adhered to my proposal timeline and
fixed more -Wimplicit-function-declaration bug, [2][3] and more.

While strictly according to my proposal, coming two weeks (week 6 and 7)
are to be focused on -Wdeprecated-non-prototype. But in my experience
till now there are not many bugs of this type. I’ll obviously keep an
eye out for this bug types but I’ll most likely be solving more of
-Wimplicit-function-declaration or -Wincompatible-function-pointer-types
type of bugs, as they seem to dominate the bug list/tracker.

Our midterm evaluation is also coming up, opens 10th this month, hence
working towards that (mainly communicating with my mentors on any things
they expect of me or would like to see/get done before the evaluation).
Needless to say super excited about that.

Till then, see ya!

[1]: https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-panel/pull/1375
[2]: https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/pull/31671
[3]: https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/pull/31670

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