Daily blog july 25 by Catcream

Today I’ve filled in the midterm evaluation and continued to work on QtWebEngine to make it ::gentoo-ready. I’m pretty happy with most of the patches and I only need someone to look through them. I’ve also tested some core KDE applications.

Konsole passed all tests except TerminalInterfaceTest.

17/18 Test #16: TerminalInterfaceTest ............***Failed    2.20 sec

Looking at the test log we can see:

16/18 Testing: TerminalInterfaceTest
16/18 Test: TerminalInterfaceTest
Command: "/var/tmp/portage/kde-apps/konsole-22.04.3/work/konsole-22.04.3_build/bin/TerminalInterfaceTest"
FAIL! : Konsole::TerminalInterfaceTest::testTerminalInterface() Compared values are not the same
Actual (stateSpy.count()): 0
Expected (1) : 1

But when running bin/TerminalInterfaceTest in a normal shell manually it passes?

Another package I tested was kde-apps/ark. If using tests it depends on app-arch/rar, which in turn depends on glibc because it’s distributed as a binary. To work around this I just removed the dep in ark’s ebuild and ran the tests, and it passed everything :). Other notable applications that have passed test suites are Dolphin and Qutebrowser (QtWebEngine browser).

Tomorrow I’ll continue testing packages and see if I can find a more efficient way of testing a whole group of packages like kde-apps.

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