The Master Cleanse: PostScript

Well, I definitely did not do the cleanse for long enough, this much I know. The statement is true for last time as well. The first indication of this: my tongue was still pasty white when I quit on the 11th day. I actually quit halfway through the day, for several reasons: some social (I need to meet with some people this week over meals), and some not (I have a blood test on Friday, and I want my body to “normalize” — no fake gluten allergy thing). The other reason: the day after I quit, I’ve gotten two or three pimples (one pretty big). It’s as though there are toxins still wanting to get out, and that’s the route they took.

Of course, this could be bullshit, and hormone levels could have just cycled that way co-incidentally. Let’s go with that theory for now, because it’s the saner one. Aimee wants to do the cleanse, so we’ll do it together in March-ish. From here, I’m aiming at a 21-day Cleanse then. She’s looking at 10 days. I’m looking at return to pink tongue. I opted out of the liver flush this time, but I’ll do another one of those upon our return from the Christmas break. Sorry, political correcters, that’s what we’ll be celebrating (yes, I’m not Christian, but I’ve always celebrated Christmas my whole life).