The Lemon Juice Fast: PostScript

I want to thank all my readers for enjoying my adventures in the Master Cleanse. To be honest, I don’t know if I could have finished the fast, had I not constantly blogged about it. I kept having this 3pm like deadline to submit a status report to you all. And really, that helped. It kept me motivated to continue on with the fast, despite some of the unpleasantness.

I should shout out to The CureZone forums and FAQ for all the helpful information. Well, the information I took from them were the other users’ experiences with the fast. It helped knowing what kinds of things to expect.

Before I began the fast, I invested in the inventor’s book about the fast. Dr. Stanley Burroughs apparently developed the fast in 1941 and published that book(let) (it’s only 50 pages long) in 197something. Granted, the book does not have any real clinical information, just anectdotal evidence; still, it was good to read his directions for the process.

If anyone is inspired to do any of the fasts (or indeed other naturpathic cures), I’d be really interested to know about it, so by all means leave me a comment or send me an email!

Thanks everyone!

Obligatory Disclaimer: Dammit Jim, I’m a Gentoo developer, not a Doctor! Please seek the advice of a professional, before embarking yadayada.

Edit: Added Disclaimer