The Lemon Juice Fast: Day 10

The final day is here! I’m really happy to be at the end of the line here! Now, don’t get me wrong: the lemon juice/lemonade drink is actually quite delicious. And it satiates hunger. It’s just, well, it’s not exactly a dosa, you know what I’m saying? It’s definitely not warm chocolate chip cookies or apple pie or pumpkin pie or anything I’m looking forward to eating. I may be taking back the whole apple pie thing next weekend, after a week of apple juice, apples and pears.

Tomorrow night I’ll be eating some veggie soup for dinner and I’ll have the cooked veggies (sans soup) for lunch the day after. Tomorrow morning’s breakfast will be organic orange juice with pulp (Aimee likes it without, but I don’t). But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s wrap up this fast first.

All in all, I’m really glad I did it. I certainly feel clean. My tongue is pink again, by the way. This morning again I had some dark stuff with the flush. And even some before, but mind you, I forgot to drink my laxative tea on time last night. I remembered to go make it once I was in bed, and I kept intending to go do it. Next thing I knew, it was morning. Apparently, I didn’t need it.

Now, yesterday was a bit of a down day for me, but I think it was just because I was decompressing from the week. Today was a lot better. Aimee and I went out to Nashua to get me a replacement wedding band (I lost mine a week ago). Then we bought some sweaters for me to wear to work, because the weather has definitely taken a turn — it’s truly autumn, now. Finally, we went grocery shopping to get some apples, pears and organic unsweetened, unfiltered apple juice.

Aimee and a few of my friends have been worried throughout that I wouldn’t have enough energy. To be honest, I didn’t really feel lethargic or lazy at all. In fact, we went running three times. Our second week of running kicked off earlier today. This time it was alternating 90-second running with 2-minute walking for 20 minutes. Actually, 21 minutes, but let’s not split hairs šŸ™‚ The whole idea for running was inspired by my friend, Felipe. We were talking in some irc channel once about weight and fitness and stuff, and he runs and highly recommended it. That, combined with my secret desire to run (but my consistent failure at it), made a compelling case. That Aimee felt the same way sealed the deal. Plus, we get to work out together for a change.

In sum: I recommend this clean if you’re feeling a little stuffed up with toxins and left over stuff. I definitely lost some weight in the bargain, though I will actually gain half that weight back (water weight, you know).

Tomorrow I take a break (hence the soups), but I also start my apple juice fast in preparation for the liver cleanse that happens on Friday/Saturday. I’ll fill in the details of that as the time comes. So, we bought 5 gallons of apple juice. One gallon per day for me. I don’t know that I’ll get hungry at all, but I got the apples and pears just in case I feel like eating anything solid. Additionally, the salt water flushes will continue up to Friday morning. I stick with my original statement that I made on day 1: no pictures of anything.

Wish me luck! Oh yeah, it’s almost 7pm, and I still have 3 glasses of lemonade to go!

Catch up to yesterday

Edit: filled in some links and added navigation

2 thoughts on “The Lemon Juice Fast: Day 10”

  1. Hi Manal,

    I can not say for certain how much weight was lost due to the diet. I would estimate between 5 and 10lbs. On the whole I lost about 20 lbs, but that was due to exercise and shifting to good nutritional habits.

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