The Lemon Juice Fast: Day 1

When I wrote my quick note last night, I was unsure how much to talk about it, but I’ve had some questions, so here we go.

I’m on a cleansing diet. A lot of things have happened in the last 2 years or so that made me want to go on this fast. In May 2005, Aimee and I finally quit smoking. I’d been a smoker for 10 years prior to that, and had made many unsuccessful attempts at quitting. Last May, we just decided to quit and that was it. We haven’t looked back since.

This past May-ish, we just sorta quit eating meat. It wasn’t a conscious decision (and prior to it, we were choosy about it anyway: we preferred vegetarian fed, free-range, organic type stuff, and it was mostly chicken, with turkey here and there and salmon there and here). Anyway, we just kinda slowed down with the meat, and a couple of months passed by, and we hadn’t touched any meat at all. We met up with the Griffises at one point at a vegetarian Indian restaurant in Lowell one day for lunch (by accident, actually — we just all arrived at the same time). And their story was similar. At some point they declared themselves to be vegetarian. We hadn’t yet, but we were still eating vegetarian food, and sometimes fish (especially sushi).

Anyway, we hadn’t gotten off the fish, and I’m not entirely certain we have yet, though it’s been a month since I’ve had any, and more since Aimee has.

Then there’s the medical stuff: I have a fatty liver and some polyps in my gall bladder, and I’m definitely a bit overweight. I think I’m at least 50lbs overweight, but the doctors think I’m 15lbs overweight. So anyway, the veg. diet has been helping and I’ve been doing a bit of Tae-Bo, though not in the last month since we moved into the new house. We have been walking on the weekends quite a bit, but we’ll hopefully step that up to multiple times a week.

Anyway, I’ve been thinking for the past few weeks that what I’d really like to do is just cleanse my body from the inside, and do a bit of detoxification. So, remembering that my Dad goes on orange juice fasts every few months for the same purpose, I decided to investigate. I happened upon the lemon juice diet, which I started last night.

I had a glass of the lemon juice and a cup of senna tea (don’t ask, just google, and no I won’t post pictures of the result). This morning, I had another ultrasound exam and some bloodwork, so I’m only now drinking my morning tea (senna again), and have made 30 ounces of lemon juice for the day.

Oddly enough, my last post caught the attention of an old friend from college, so already the good things are starting to happen.

See what happens in Day 2

Edit: Fixed the spelling of my wife’s name, and other spelling errors
Edit Again: Added navigation link

One thought on “The Lemon Juice Fast: Day 1”

  1. Hi Seemant- Ah, the lemon juice diet. I tried that last year and was almost passing out by the end of the 1st day. Cleanses can be invigorating for some people, but food is also really important. Just make sure you are still listening to your body while you are on this diet, it is pretty serious business.
    Renat says you and Aimee may be coming out to visit soon, I’m excited to see you guys! I hope all is well, enjoy your maple syrup and cayenne!

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