Trustees and Foundation Update

So, two weeks ago, I announced the new trustees on the mailing list. There was a little push-back, because we only had 5 nominees and 5 open positions. However, since then, there hasn’t been any movement on it. So, for now, I’m considering the people on that list of trustees to be accurate and up to date. The trustees@ email address goes to those 5 people. We are presently scheduling a first meeting.

On my todo list, I have the lawyer/paperwork stuff to wrap up. However, I’d like to have a trustee who’s more savvy on these matters to do it with me. So I’m looking to tap Renat for that. Chris has already been active in protecting Gentoo properties. Stuart has fund-raising and Gentoo meet-ups on his agenda. Grant and I are hopefully going to get our asses in gear this year 😛