The Pathetic State of RSS Readers or why Mike Flies at Night

There are none. Evolution used to have one. And it was my favourite. Feature. Ever. The gdesklets (no link, see rest of sentence) just suck. They’re unstable and they keep crashing. And there’s no standalone any more that I know of. I think surfraw used to be it, but it’s apparently dead upstream. So now, I’m thinking of going back to Claws because there is an rss reader plugin available for it. In order to do the migration, though, I have to make my laptop into a mailserver, to put all the mail from evo into it (over imap) and then read it into sylpheed. That’s a good thing to do anyway, but I was hoping to do it on a proper server box. Ah well.

Any you know, I’m pissed off because I missed the first 13 chapters of Night Flight Mike, which is the newest novella from the venerable CheeseBurger Brown, whose writing I just can’t get enough of. If I’m nonresponsive for a while, it’s because I’m catching up on Night Flight Mike.

6 thoughts on “The Pathetic State of RSS Readers or why Mike Flies at Night”

  1. Heh,

    I hate to break this Seemant, but I see you struggling with stuff like that for a long time, so I am going to do it finally and suggest that, well, you try out kde? 😉

    No, really. The thing you would be looking for is called akregator. You can have it as a part of kontact “suite” or standalone. In the last case you don’t even have to run kde, only the apps you want.

    If you do run kde, there is an applet for a kde panel, I forgot what its called, but its quite apparent from the list of applets..


  2. You’ll probably get a dozen comments telling you this, but check out Linux Feed Reader (liferea). It’s a standalone RSS reader, I’ve been using it quite some time and it has become quite stable.

  3. Andrew Case was working on Evolution Brain Read which was the rss aggregator built into evolution. I was patch reviewing for sometime, he made considerable progress, although in recent times i havent seen anything from him. Let me mail him to see what the state is.

  4. What’s wrong with Blam! or Liferea (both in portage under net-news) – both GTK-based RSS reader – I use liferea myself – Blam! is GTK#-based, so it’ll pull in mono if you don’t have it already.

    In addition to that there is also akregator, rssowl and scores of RSS-reading addons for Firefox.

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