Gentoo Tests Your Hardware (and podcasting)

Long time no blog — life’s been busy and crazy, no time to breathe even. World Cup takes up my free time these days: after work, school and homework.

Just wanted to check in and mention the webcast that a few of us were on the Linux Link Tech show last night pimping about Gentoo. Whew that’s a lotta links for one sentence.

True to form, because there were four of us, we kinda stressed their asterisk server. Actually, between the network lag and the dropped call, I’m not sure how coherent any of us were. Judge for yourself I suppose 🙂

Pat and the gang were just great though. Very gracious hosts, and it was a pleasure being on there. I’ve never been on the radio before, and this was a great first time!

Go England (in the World Cup), else Go Ghana, else Go Argentina, else Go Brazil.