Ian Murdock rocks my world

Donnie, now that is a seriously sad situation. The simple hypocrisy of it cheeses me off so much, it’s unreal. Now, I don’t mean to get off on a rant here — but one of my biggest fears before Gentoo moved from Technologies, Inc. to Foundation was the potential for Debianisation. The problem is that in an online democracy (or maybe any democracy for that matter?), you will mostly hear only the vocal minoriry. The happy majority won’t be vocal so long as it’s happy. but the minority is inclined to get incensed about the pettiest of things, and then raise a ruckus (which is not necessarily a bad thing — it’s the reaction times to analysing the validity and then acting upon the ruckus which changes in a democracy).

Take a look at the Desperate Housewives at a Football game and the silliness that that caused, or the Janet Jackson boob thing to see an example of the vocal minority. There are many cases where the minority is, in fact, correct — or at the very least gives you something to think about (the antiwar movement is a good example). But the Housewife/Janet thing is an example of an idiot minority.

Anyway, the point is — hypocrisy really pisses me off. I would hope that Gentoo doesn’t get Debianised, now that we’re a democracy.

Now, just to fend off the people who might flame me for this. First of all — no, I’m not opposed to democracies at all. Second of all, I happen to really like Debian, and third of all — Ian Murdock and Daniel Robbins are two people who get a huge amount of respect and props from me.

Now, what is my frustration? Nothing at all — I’m just ranting 🙂

Oh yeah, and wget will get a new update soon.