Samba cleanups

So, it seems like there’s a general convergence in the ether, because for the past few weeks I’ve been sending emails back and forth to our samba team, about the messy samba ebuilds in portage. Meanwhile, both slarti and beu noticed the messiness and talked about it.

So, trying to shuffle that in between work-work and gentoo-work took a while. Anyway, the result was the new ebuild that I put into portage yesterday. Major props to beu for testing it for me, between cvs commits and rsync updates. It looks like the new ebuild is about half the size of the old ones, which is a plus. The cleaning, however, has only just begun. The next step is to move the other two ebuilds to use patch tarballs offada mirrors as well. The final step, before I finally relinquish the packages back to our samba guys will be to move the configs outtada files/ directory and ontoda mirrors.