Document your project!

After discussing how to track your bugs and your contributions, let see what we have about documentation

Pain and documentation

An healthy Open Source project needs mainly contributors, contributors are usually your users. You get users if the project is known and useful. (and you do not have parasitic entities syphoning your work abusing git-merge, best luck to io.js and markdown-it to not have this experience, switching name is enough of a pain without it).

In order to gain mindshare, the best thing is making what you do easier to use and that requires documenting what you did! The process is usually boring, time consuming and every time you change something you have to make sure the documentation still matches reality.

In the opensource community we have multiple options on the kind of documentation we produce and how to produce.


When you need to keep some structure, but you want to have an easy way to edit it wiki can be a good choice and it can lead to nice results. The information present is usually correct and if enough people keep editing it up to date.


  • The wiki is quick to edit and you can have people contribute by just using a browser.
  • The documentation is indexed by the search engines easily
  • It can be restricted to a number of trusted people

  • The information is detached from the actual code and it could desync easily
  • Even if kept up to date, what applies to the current release is not what your poor user might have
  • Usually keeping versioned content is not that simple


Even if usually they are noisy forums are a good source of information plenty of time.
Personally I try to move interesting bits to a wiki page when I found something that is not completely transient.


  • Usually everything require less developer interaction
  • User can share solutions to their problem effectively

  • The information can get stale even quicker that what you have in the wiki
  • Since it is mainly user-generate the solutions proposed might be suboptimal
  • Being highly interactive it requires more dedicated people to take care of unruly users


There are lots of good toolchain to write full manuals as we have in Gentoo.

The old style xml/docbook tend to have a really steep learning curve, not to mention the even more quirky and wonderful monster such as LaTeX (and the lesser texinfo). ReStructuredText, asciidoc and some flavour of markdown seem to be a better tool for the task if you need speed and get contributors up to speed.


  • A proper manual can be easily pinned to a specific release
  • It can be versioned using git
  • Some people still like something they can print and has a proper index

  • With the old tools it is a pain to start it
  • The learning curve can be still unbearable for most contributors
  • It requires some additional dedication to keep it up to date

What to use and why

Usually for small projects the manual is the README, once it grows usually a wiki is the best place to put notes from multiple people. If you are good at it a manual is a boon for all your users.

Tools to have documentation-in-code such as doxygen or docurium can help a lot if your project is having a single codebase.

If you need to unify a LOT of different information, like we have in Gentoo. The problems usually get much more annoying since you have contents written in multiple markups, living in multiple places and usually moving it from one place to another requires a serious editing effort (like moving from our guidexml to the current semantic wiki).

Markup suggestion


I do like a lot CommonMark and I even started to port and extend it to be used in docutils since I find ReStructuredText too confusing for the normal users. The best quality of it is the natural flow, it is most annoying defect is that there are too many parser discrepancies and sometimes implementations disagrees. Still is better to have many good implementation than one subpar in everything (hi texinfo, I hate your toolchain).


The markup is quite nice (up to a point) and the toolchain is sort of nice even if it feels like a Rube Goldberg machine. To my knowledge there is a single implementation of it and that makes me MUCH wary of using it in new projects.


The markup is not as intuitive as Asciidoc, thus quite far from Markdown immediate-use feeling, but it has great toolchain (if you like python) and it gets extended to produce lots of different well formatted documents.
It comes with loads markup features that Markdown core lacks: include directive, table of contents, pluggable generic block and span directives, 3 different flavours of tables.

Good if you can come to terms with its complexity all in all.

What’s next

Hopefully during this year among my many smaller and bigger projects, I’ll find time to put together something nice for documentation as well.

6 thoughts on “Document your project!”

  1. what do you mean by “and you do not have parasitic entities syphoning your work abusing git-merge, best luck to io.js and markdown-it to not have this experience, switching name is enough of a pain without it?”

    1. When you lose the name even if most of the development team is on the project with the new name you might have the other entity try to piggy-back on you and capitalize on the famous name.

    1. It doesn’t combine source code and documentation, it provides a wiki and a source viewer.

      doxygen does and even with its quirks it is one of the best tools for the job, docurium and NaturalDocs are other contenders.

      trac sadly has many defects making it not what I’d suggest in many situations.

      1. Well, depends on what we are talking about when we say “documentation”. If we are talking about APIs then you are of course right and doxygen will do the job and trac is just a source viewer. But if we talk about documention for architecture, compiling instructions, configuration options, project or release plans, bug tracking, etc. then trac can do a quite good job, at least in my opinion.
        Which defects are you talking about? I would like to hear more about it…

        1. As wiki trac is quite minimal, doesn’t let you simply have per-version documentation in an easy way and it has no mean to tie the documentation to the code.

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