PowerPC is back (and little endian)

Yesterday I fixed a PowerPC issue since ages, it is an endianess issue, and it is (funny enough) on the little endian flavour of it.


I have some ties with this architecture since my interest on the architecture (and Altivec/VMX in particular) is what made me start contributing to MPlayer while fixing issue on Gentoo and from there hack on the FFmpeg of the time, meet the VLC people, decide to part ways with Michael Niedermayer and with the other main contributors of FFmpeg create Libav. Quite a loong way back in the time.

Big endian, Little Endian

It is a bit surprising that IBM decided to use little endian (since big endian is MUCH nicer for I/O processing such as networking) but they might have their reasons.

PowerPC traditionally always had been both-endian with the ability to switch on the fly between the two (this made having foreign-endian simulators lightly less annoying to manage), but the main endianess had always been big.

This brings us to a quite interesting problem: Some if not most of the PowerPC code had been written thinking in big-endian. Luckily since most of the code wrote was using C intrinsics (Bless to whoever made the Altivec intrinsics not as terrible as the other ones around) it won’t be that hard to recycle most of the code.

More will follow.

Libav Release Process

Since the release document is lacking here few notes on how it works, it will be updated soon =).


Libav has separate version for each library provided. As usual the major version bump signifies an ABI-incompatible change, a minor version bump marks a specific feature introduction or removal.
It is made this way to let users leverage the pkgconf checks to require features instead of use a compile+link check.
The APIChange document details which version corresponds to which feature.

The Libav global version number e.g. 9.16 provides mainly the following information:

  • If the major number is updated the Libraries have ABI differences.
    • If the major number is Even API-incompatible changes should be expected, downstreams should follow the migration guide to update their code.
    • If the major number is Odd no API-incompatible changes happened and a simple rebuild **must** be enough to use the new library.
  • If the minor number is updated that means that enough bugfixes piled up during the month/2weeks period and a new point release is available.

Major releases

All the major releases start with a major version bump of all the libraries. This automatically enables new ABI incompatible code and disables old deprecated code. Later or within the same patch the preprocessor guards and the deprecated code gets removed.


Once the major bump is committed the first alpha is tagged. Alphas live within the master branch, the codebase can still accept features updates (e.g. small new decoders or new demuxers) but the API and ABI cannot have incompatible changes till the next one or two major releases.


The first beta tag also marks the start of the new release branch.
From this point all the bugfixes that hit the master will be backported, no feature changes are accepted in the branch.


The release is not different from a beta, it is still a tag in the release branch. The level of confidence nothing breaks is much higher though.

Point releases

Point releases are bugfix-only releases and they aim to provide seamless security updates.

Since most bugs in Libav are security concerns users should update as soon the new release is out. We keep our continuous integration system monitoring all the release branches in addition to the master branch to be confident that backported bugfixes do not cause unexpected issues.

Libav 11

The first beta for the release 11 should appear in the next two days, please help us by testing and reporting bugs.


Last we made a huge effort to make a release for every supported branch (and even one that is supposed not to be). Lots of patches to fix some old bugs got backported. I hope you appreciate the dedication.

Libav 0.8.15

We made an extra effort, this branch is supposed to be closed and the code is really ancient!
I went the extra mile and I had to run over all the codebase to fix a security issue properly: you might crash if your get_buffer callback doesn’t validate the frame dimension, that code is provided by the library user (e.g. VLC), so the solution is to wrap the get_buffer callback in a function ff_get_buffer and do the check there. For Libav 9 and following we did already for unrelated reasons, for Libav 0.8 I (actually we since the first patch didn’t cover all usage) had sift through the code and replace all the avctx->get_buffer() with ff_get_buffer().

Libav 9.16

This is a standard security release, backporting from Libav 10 might require some manual retouch since code got cleaned up a lot and some internals are different but it is still less painful than backporting from 11 to 0.8

Libav 10.3

This is a quite easy release, backporting fixes is nearly immediate since Libav 11 doesn’t have radical changes in the core internals and the cleanups can apply to release/10.

Libav 11 alpha1

Libav11 is a major release API compatible with Libav10, that makes transitioning as smooth as possible: you enjoy automatically some under-the-hood changes that required an ABI bump (such as the input mime support to speed up AAC webradio startup time) and if you want you can start using the new API features (such as avresample AVFrame API, av_packet_rescale_ts(), AVColor in AVFrame and so on).

You can help!

Libav 11 will be out within the month and help is welcome to polish it and make sure we do not have rough edges.

Update a downstream project you are using

Many downstreams are still using (and sometimes misusing) the old (Libav9) and ancient (Libav0.8) API. We started writing migration guides to help, we contributed many patches already and the Debian packagers did a great job to take care of their side.

Some patches are just waiting to be forwarded to the downstream or, if the package is orphaned, to your favourite distribution packagers.

Triage our bugzilla

Most of the Libav development happens in the mailing-lists and sometimes
bugs reported over bugzilla get not updated timely. Triaging bugs sometimes take a little of time and helps a lot.