cmake and openwengo, what a match…

Quick and easy task for this day: check which is the status of openwengo since seems that’s the only client providing what skype does, at least in theory…

Part one, get the source – delivered from the site as a nifty .zip

– wget + unzip worked as should

Part two, build the beast.

– cmake! The worst build system since imake, sadly brought into the fashionable stuff because of KDE4,
Now we get something interesting, on a phenom you get:

qlop -tH cmake
cmake: 5 minutes, 12 seconds for 1 merges

A comparison:
perl: 3 minutes, 43 seconds for 1 merges
m4: 29 seconds for 1 merges
automake: 14 seconds for 3 merges
autoconf: 16 seconds for 2 merges
libtool: 44 seconds for 1 merges
make: 30 seconds for 1 merges
cmake: 5 minutes, 12 seconds for 1 merges

Using something less new makes the whole thing even more interesting. Let’s say that to build something using cmake I need the 3/2 the time to build perl, just to start.

gentoo has an ebuild for it so it it’s just getting it, (why cmake needs xmlrpc-c is a question I’ll left unanswered…)

Now back to openwengo.

I have to create a build dir and run cmake from there, it obviously finds something wrong with ffmpeg even if supposedly it has its stale internal version (remind: ffmpeg changed the include paths some time ago) as fallback (no, you have to run cmake a first time, have it fail, run ccmake, find the right option and turn it on, start again).

I’m not sure if this brain damage is due wengo people or cmake, still I find this annoying. The *oh* so despised configure from autotools can be smarter and does not require that many lines if you know what you are doing…

It still doesn’t take in account that there are different endianess for linux (autotools have a nice builtin for this…)…

Once the thing built (took a while), I just got more or less the same thing I got last time I tried it, looks like the 2.2 isn’t quite up to date and they are working on the new mayor release =/

Back looking for other alternatives for skype =_=

One thought on “cmake and openwengo, what a match…”

  1. (Disclaimer: I wrote the Wengophone ebuild in the voip overlay)

    Up to version 2.1, Wengophone source was distributed as tarball and used scons as build system. For reasons I fail to grasp, they decided to switch to cmake and .zip, and additionally included a precompiled ffmpeg in the “source” .zip

    Since then, Wengo has abandoned Wengophone. Some of the former developers have decided to continue it under the name of Qutecom.

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