
As probably some of you already know (since I’m telling everybody about that) I’m about to spend 3 weeks in japan, with some luck I’ll get some random uplink now and then.

I’ll be in Tokyo for a week then I’ll wander for the Island by train for a week and then I’ll spend the rest of the time in Tokyo again.

8 thoughts on “Japan!”

  1. welcome!

    I hope you enjoy your stay. I have been in Japan for just a few years – 18.(!)

    You going to try and catch up with some of the gentoo japan folks?

  2. I hope so, others developers are heading to Japan and will stay in the same time I’m there, by the way =)

  3. When will you arrive in Tokyo? cryos and I will meet July 2nd in Tokyo. Want to join us? If you find some kind of internet cafe, please contact me.

  4. I’m currently struck at narita waiting from 2 delayed friends, that should arrive around 11PM here, hopefully.
    I’m not sure how to contact you cryos has my cellphone and I sent him an sms today.

    I have the vodafone passport contract so it shouldn’t cost quite much call other vodafone.

    (see my deviantart page for a bit more infos… I’m running out of time….)


  5. May I ask you to post some news about your trip? That would be really great.. I’m dreaming about Japan, and I’d surely love stories about that mysterious land. (I think vagamente.org readers would be happy, too πŸ™‚ )

  6. I hope so too, I saw many aspect of Japan and had great fun, but I’m still missing probably most of it since I can’t speak/read ^^;

    I hope we will meet again =)

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