Week 2 report on porting Gentoo packages to modern C

This is my week 2 report for my SoC 2023 project “Modern C porting of
Gentoo packages” at Gentoo Linux.

– I’ve stuck to my proposal and mainly worked on the
“Wincompatible-function-pointer-types” bugs. Honestly, nothing much
interesting did happen.
– I was not able to work for 2 days, due to some personal health issues, I
plan on making up for them in the following weeks/days.
– MUSL testing environment (chroot) is set up and bugs are being tested
against it. There are some bugs that still need improvements/fixes on
– Got more of my bugs reviewed by my mentor/s, while I do need to work
on those updates.

– While the “Wincompatible-function-pointer-types” bugs are not
completely removed from the bug list, I do plan on working on
different kinds of bugs in the coming weeks, while also trying to keep
up with the aforementioned bug types.
– For the first half of the coming two weeks the plan is to work on
“Wimplicit-function-declaration” type of bugs, and “Wimplicit-int” on
the later half. To be honest, I didn’t see many bugs in the later type
in the bug list, hence if there are fewer I can dedicate some of the
time to the “Wincompatible-function-pointer-types” bugs.
– Since I have the musl testing environment up and running, I plan of
testing/patching most of the bugs on musl environment, especially the
ones that were found on the musl-clang environment.

That is it, hopefully, I’ll be come across something interesting for
people reading here.

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