Challenge to all users

Have you ever been thinking about how you could contribute to Gentoo? Here’s a quick and easy way. If you are using stable, take a look at your package.keywords file and file stable request bugs for all the entries there that satisfy the requirements for being marked stable. Meaning there are no open regressions in and the ebuild has been in the tree for at least a month. Even better is if you make filing these bugs a regular habit. I would imagine that most developers are running ~arch so packages that are not that actively maintained might start to fall behind in stable.

5 thoughts on “Challenge to all users”

  1. Yeah, good idea. However I think it _should_ exist some automatically generated list of such ebuilds (no bugs, at least one month in testing). Possibility that developer can subscribe for announcements would be also good benefit).

  2. Well this is a useful post and the first time since using Gentoo (~6 years now) I feel like helping out a bit. Do you know a handy trick (e.g. some shell script or so) to determine how long an ebuild is in the tree?

  3. @HS: yea, until then..
    @tiago: Please reread the post. 30 days in tree, no bugs.
    @bbroeksema: Possibly. One such way would be to use pcheck from pkgcore-checks. cd into the directory you want to check, run pcheck. Then look for:
    StaleUnstableKeyword: version 1.9.13: no change in 318 days for unstable keywords [ ~alpha, ~amd64, ~arm, ~hppa, ~ia64, ~ppc, ~ppc64, ~s390, ~sh, ~sparc, ~x86 ]

    (for example)

    Granted, you will have to check for false hits, etc


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