Zach recently wrote a post about an issue he’s had with fresh installs of x11-base/xorg-server
and the Intel driver. The bug was already filed and Michał Gorny (our next recruit!) had already provided a patch.
However, it took more than 2 weeks to get this fixed, and that’s what I want to talk about today:
- Lack of time from current team members. We’re all busy with Real Life ™, my job keeps me busy, Tómaš – when not busy having his skull reconstructed – is also busy with his job, and Chi-Tahn is busy with university. Help, in any form, is always welcome!
- The bug was filed more than 2 weeks ago but was not assigned to the x11 team. We weren’t even CCed on it! It just didn’t show up on my bug queue and that’s partly why I kept forgetting to fix it. Bug triaging is vital for Gentoo, help is needed there as well.
So that’s it for those semi-random thoughts, it gave me a reason to blog about something…