PAY, it depends on how do you understand licenses

Hey PAY!

The answer to your question about free licenses depends on how you understand a license. What do you want to do ? protect the work or give rights to your users ?

If you see the license as a way to protect the code itself (the music in this particular case); then there is no way the BY-SA is ‘more free’ than the BY-NC-SA.

However, some people (me among them) think licenses are meant to give rights to users. With this idea, the BY-SA is far ‘more free’ than the BY-NC-SA; because the former allows derivatives works not allowed by the latter. Following with this argument you come to the conclusion that the BY is the ‘most free’ among the CreativeCommons licenses.

Of course thats only my opinion and since IANAL I might be totally off.


Simplest bash quine ?

Playing around with some of the new bash-3 features I accidentally found a really simple quine:

[ $ ~ ] cat quine.bash
[ $ ~ ] bash quine.bash
[ $ ~ ]

Of course it only works on bash-3. I don’t know if that’s ‘cheating’… but oh well… it’s still interesting heh 🙂


I voted, too!

I also voted for the council2005 election as Grant did. It is really important that every developer takes at least 5 minutes to vote. So either vote or don’t complain if you don’t like the council (or its decissions) when the election closes !

Have you voted? If not, what are you waiting for ?


Having great fun

Hi all!

Ireland is so great (it has always been anyway :). Working with teenagers is a bit harder than programming but I keep improving my style haha. There’s two more spanish leaders working with me and they’re also quite good. So I can’t complain really…

Of course no Gentoo work since I haven’t found a network to connect to with my iBook. I keep trying anyway 😉

Alright… time to get back to those little devils.


Everything is packed up, see you in August

… I hope to enjoy there and come back with enough energy to work on Gentoo.

BTW, in August I will start an ‘Alpha Arch Tester’ subproject so probably some of you will want to join us. If you want to, drop me a line.

Donnie, thanks for answering, I think I’ll buy it on August… will report when I adquire it.

Have a nice July people, see you in August.


Exams are over, and holidays start just now

Well.. it looks like finally the exams are over. The rest of today and tomorrow will be the only ‘holidays’ I’m going to have this year. Also Gentoo work is going to be delayed until the first days of August since I’m going to go to Ireland for the whole July and I don’t think I will be able to either check my mail or ssh home. In fact I don’t think I will be able to connect to Internet for the whole month. Anyway, I’m carrying my laptop just in case I found a hotspot or a [i]neglected[/i] access point :>

Although I’m going to Ireland to work it is a strange way of ‘working’… they pay me the trip to Ireland (Clonmel, Co. Tipperary) and some cash to spend there or wherever I want; I [i]just[/i] have to take care of ~10 spanish students. Great chance to finish those books I’m currently reading or I want to read; and also a really good oportunity to ‘disconnect’ from RealLife(TM).

Since my memory is getting worse and worse every day I thought I could spend that money on a Tungsten C, It’s a nice gadget and it will definately help me maintain a bit of order among the things I have to do… It’s also got Wi-Fi builtin which is ‘a must’ for me. Any experiences with it? If any of you has tried or owns this device I’d like to hear from you 🙂



Hi !

I’ve been using part of the ciaranm‘s bashrc (most of the Gentoo-related functions) and though it’s great I thought that something was missing. I needed something to extrackt the depend atoms on a package. I played a bit with sed and finally wrote something useful:

edeps() { 
    local FILES e
    if [ ! -z "${1}" ] ; then
        FILES=$(equery which ${1})
        FILES=$(ls *.ebuild)
    for e in ${FILES};
        echo -ne "\033[01;32m * \033[00m"
        echo -n "Depend atoms on: "
        echo -e "\033[01;38m${e##*/}\033[00m"
        sed -ne '/^[RP]\?DEPEND=\"[^\"]*$/,/^.*\" *$/p' \
            -e '/^[RP]\?DEPEND=\"[^\"]*\"$/p' ${e}

PD: BTW this is my very first post on the Gentoo Planet. I hope you’ll forgive my language mistakes since english is not my mother tongue. (I’m spanish).

1777 is not ‘protection’

The last few days we’ve been having a bit of discussion in #-netmail about uw apps. They display a *really* bogus message if the mail spool directory (/var/spool/mail) is not protected with 1777 (*sigh*):

Mailbox vulnerable - directory /var/spool/mail must have 1777 protection

Of course mailbase creates /var/spool/mail and sets 0775 on it. Thats a real protection since it prevents someone from doing:

for i in /var/spool/mail/* ; do touch ${i}.lock; done

and mess the mail system.

Quoting from the UW IMAP FAQ:

Directory protection 1777 is secure enough on most well-managed systems. If you can’t trust your users with a 1777 mail spool (petty harassment is about the limit of the abuse exposure), then you have much worse problems then that.

It sounds ridiculous to me. I think we will finally adopt the workaround in or probably patch the sources to remove that annoying message.

I wonder how 1777 on the mail spool directory should be used for security reasons (*sigh*) Maybe someone will explain it to me…

Any ideas on how to solve this ?


GLEP 34 also speaks spanish

Spanish translations for per-category metadata.xml files are almost finished. araujo is doing: dev-* media-* app-* and x11-*. And I just commited the rest: games-* gnome-* gnustep-* kde-* net-* mail-* rox-* sci-* sys-* www-* xfce-* and sec-policy.

It’s been boring… but anyway, we did it hehe

It took me like 1 hour to update, check, translate, check and commit around 70 files… but feels like a wasted hour 🙁 At least I hope it will get integrated in packages.g.o

PD: Hey ! bugs.g.o is now ssl enabled, now I can access bugzilla in networks I don’t trust (i.e university, work, … all of them but mines i think :P). So infra++
