Random follow up

Our tinderbox now has 5259 binpkgs between all of it’s $CHOST repos. (not bad.. glep19 stuff almost)

Managed to get portage-2.0.54-r2 out the door yesterday. Which is cool because it fixes an annoying looping bug with -e system that’s been present for a long time (but overlooked in 2.0.x). SpanKY and Kevin Quinn are trying to perfect a small snippet of code for handling text relocations and executable stacks. I expect that we will see a portage-2.0.54-r3 after those two guys work it out, which hopefully will make it a candidate for stable marking.

TclPython is neat but giving me a few problems with stdout handling that it really should not be giving me.


if {[file exists /usr/lib/tclpython/tclpython.so ]} {
catch {load /usr/lib/tclpython/tclpython.so}

package require tclpython 4

set interp [python::interp new]

$interp exec {import site, sys}
$interp exec {sys.path.append(“/var/irc/jeeves”)}
$interp exec {import metadata}
$interp exec {sys.argv=[‘e’,’mtd’]}

catch { [$interp exec {metadata.main()}] } result

python::interp delete $interp

The metadata.py can be found at http://people.gentoo.org/solar/irc/metadata.py

Anybody that’s worked with Tcl knows the catch {} should grab the stdout/stderr and shove the output in $result. However it’s printing directly to the console and never getting saved in $result. major bummer..