Things I’ve learned by using Gentoo…

In my years using Gentoo I’ve learned a lot. I’m going to share it with everyone (whether you like it or not):

In no particular order…

  1. It isn’t necessary to completely wipe clean your disk to fix a perceived problem in your installation (even if you allocate only 4gb instead of 40 for /).
  2. Never downgrade glibc.
  3. Always use Google when you’ve got a problem.
  4. ALWAYS use Bugzilla
  5. Join Gentoo🙂
  6. Ignore flamewars
  7. Don’t ignore -core mail or you’ll miss out on important data, like, Gentoo is a foundation? And it’s got a council? *g*
  8. Disable root logins, ssh version 1, and password logins in sshd_config; force ssh key access
  9. Backup your data
  10. ADMIT NOTHING!!!!!!!
  11. Don’t take things too seriously
  12. Take the serious things seriously

There’s so much more, but it would take far too long to list.