More on Distcc and SLP

As much as I’d love to see SLP integrated with Distcc I’ve come to the realisation that Gentoo isn’t the place for the patch to be implmented and tested. Rather, it should be applied to the source tree UPSTREAM for the entire user base to test, likewise with all other patch enhancements.

Obiously it’s different if the package has no maintainer and hasn’t seen the loving hand of a programmer in years or if the patch is to fix a serious Gentoo-specific bug, like the TMPDIR issues in distcc from a year or two ago.

How do you know when you’re really bored?

You write a shite CMS in Bash and PHP!

It’s called CMS580 cos all told it is 580 lines in length. lol

It’s buggy, has barely any ‘CMS’ features, but it uses mod_rewrite, which was kind of the goal.

What did I learn about mod_rewrite? Save yourself the trouble and just send everything to a prg: map.

Anyways, if you’re morbidly curious feel free to laugh, at the code in cvs. The mod_dir bits are commented in .htaccess because of bug 11843.

Distcc and SLP

With Bug 80219 we’re going to be adding SLP support to distcc. It will be a boon for those people with large clusters of volunteers.

Right now it seems to work. The daemon starts (./distccd -p 3666 –listen -a -P /home/lisa/projects/distcc/distcc-2.18.3/src/ –verbose –log-level=debug –log-file=./log.log –daemon) and the tool works (./distccenv —> DISTCC_HOSTS=”lithium:3666 “).

I wonder if the portage guys could do a test to see if slpd is running and use that to set DISTCC_HOSTS with the distccenv program: export `distccenv`. I haven’t done any compilation tests just yet.

On Distcc and bootstrap:

One of the major problems with using distcc during installation from stage 1 is that the user must manually add the distcc user before issuing the emerge distcc command. When the user later (after stage 2) installs distcc the shadow package is available for useradd.

I’d love to just make it so the user has to re-emerge distcc after bootstrap. I think I may have found a MAJOR brain fart: Currently the distcc use is required during emerge to change the permissions of /var/run/distccd to that user so the init script can put the pid file there, owned by distcc:daemon. Inside the init script the directory is chmodded again for the distcc user. Why add do it in the ebuild when it can be done in the init script? *duh* I’ll test that with the SLP stuff.