A nice followup

In Oh god. SCOTUS gone mad I noted how the Supreme Court of the United States set landmark eminent domain precidents, permitting local government to usurp privately owned land.

It seems that a developer wishes for the local government where Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter lives to give [the developer] Mr. Souter’s land so [the developer] can build a hotel on the site! Brilliant.


Oh god. SCOTUS gone mad

Supreme Court Rules Cities May Seize Homes – This is yet another example of the corporate controlled government perverting the Constitution to usurp land from private citizens. Not for a park or road. No, none of that. The Supreme Court has said that local municipalities can demolish privately held property to be redistributed to businesses to profit from.

The shame of it is the SCOTUS doesn’t realise that it has things backwards. Land should be taken from the capitalists who continue to exploit and steal from those who strugle to live. Take the land from those who would export a thousand jobs from the community to China (or other areas) and build an apartment block for some of those displaced citizens who were “laid off” in favor of low cost foreign workers.


I’m an idiot.

Don’t all agree so quickly! Jeeez!

For those of you playing along with the Distcc guide rewrite, an update:

Last weekend I finally sat down and updated the guide taking in suggestions from Bug #42712. This is good, except when I did it I first tried to apply the patch from the bug on the CVS distcc.xml (which failed miserably). I then made the mistake of not cleaning up and rechecking out the file.

cvs up
cp distcc.xml distcc.xml.dist
patch < bug-42712.dist
vi distcc.xml.diff
*edit edit*
cp distcc.xml ~
rm -rf distcc.xml*
cvs up distcc.xml

Spot the problem.


I’ll get to it, honest!

Rebirth of C

This morning I decided to brush of my rusty C skills and implement the Soundex algorithm with a little test class.

The results are thus:

o I really need to do more C programming
o Pointers still manage to confuse me
o C has some funky rules
o The soundex code for my surname is still S400.
o It is really hot here. 26C at 61% humidity

New to b2evolution

Hoping this works out better than nanoblogger. It should do better than nanoblogger since I can do this remotely without having my ssh key handy. I’ll do my best to import my more recent nanoblogger posts.