One thing down, and another pops up again.

With bugs #42712 and #94444 out of the way the way is paved to figure out what on earth to do with this bug. As I’m typing now I’m thinking perhaps moving the patch to sys-devel/distcc-config since it’s a patch for distcc-config and not distcc.

I also was finally suckered into taking on ccache maintainership. After two years someone finally managed to pin it on me. I kid, I kid.

On a personal note:

My ears REALLY fucking hurt. Going to see my doc next week after a blood test. Going to ask him to see what’s going on and perform a hearing test since I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a bit of loss as a result of fluid buildup or infection.

I’m also headed to Heathrow on the night of the 18th and should arrive in the wee hours of the 19th. Check in at 05:15, flight leaves 07:15 and get to Rochester at around 19:35 (New York time). What a crap time to go back to Rochester, though truthfully ANY time is a bad time to go to Rochester, but in the summer it is a really bad move.