Just added gnome-2.28.1 ebuild to the overlay, only had to keep two dependencies down. Since we are now finished with gnome-2.28 core, time to squash bugs, there is quite a number of them already, if you want to participate, just visit the overlay status/TODO or status/BUGS files, or visit gnome 2.28 official release tracker bug
Played with gnome-shell, kind of nice but still needs applet work done as I can’t use gnome-globalmenu applet anymore and I’d like to keep to vertical space real estate. Plus I don’t like the actual replacements for notification area and clock applet, they do less. I bit worried about speed in activities menu as well, it’s damn slow on my Core2@2.2Ghz which I can’t understand.
Also worked on some other ebuilds like geoclue, emerillion and seed, not easy on downstream packaging so delayed until further notice.
I would know if you will add back icons in menu and button (for example, using:
http://svn.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/packages/cooker/libgnome2/current/SOURCES/libgnome-2.28.0-icons.patch?revision=458581&view=markup )
The problem is that I haven’t tried still gnome-2.28 and I don’t know what exact icons has been dropped (I expect that not all), since gnome.org release notes doesn’t provide any screenshot showing this change
Thanks a lot
What’s the address of your overlay? Is it listed in “layman -L”?
Oh, nevermind. Of course, I found it 🙂