In response to the amount of spam the dev blogs have been receiving lately, dsd asked me to setup and test a new version of the b2evolution software (the blog software that powers the dev blogs. This doesn’t affect the planet software in any way).

This new version is 1.8-july-9 and it’s an alpha release but reported to be relatively stable. It’s going to need a good amount of testing once I have it set up before we can release it so I’ll be calling for volunteers in the next few days.

This new version has a completely rewritten backend. It has been modularized and it’s now very easy to use plug-ins. We are especially interested in this version because is now compatible. This should drop the amount of spam from a torrent to a trickle. This will keep the manual work that beandog is doing (thanks beandog!) down to almost zero.

The 1.8 alpha is abi/api complete and promises to be upgradeable to the stable release version with no service interruptions necessary (although the initial upgrade will require a small downtime).

Stay tuned! 🙂