
A quick and dirty preview of what this upgrade to xhtml-1.0 strict and the style sheet selector will allow us to do (Change Style at the top right of the content area). It’s not finished, I did this in two hours in between cooking dinner so please *please* don’t start sending me bug reports about the layout/design/artwork or how it works.

The style sheet selector is javascript in this *preview* but THAT WILL CHANGE. Neysx has already written a function to make this 100% server side so NO java will ever be required.

The menus still need some work and rearranging.

This is an unfinished proof of concept.

For a more in depth example of this type of site and how it works visit

6 thoughts on “Stye”

  1. Aaron Shi’s sheet is seriously BEAUTIFUL.

    Though, I don’t like the fact that mousing over the sheet selector causes the page elements to shift (outside of the selector box itself, of course).
    It’s the same problem as when you put differing text-sizes on an element, and an element:hover…

    Beyond that though, awesome!

  2. Just a note, but javascript != java, so it’s not as much of an issue for a client to have javascript available.

  3. The page elements are supposed to move around when you hover over the selector. Dynamically changing the layout is one of the great things about css (except for IE, that things a big old PITA).

    JavaSript. The end user can turn it off so we can’t rely on it. Besides, the server side function that neysx wrote is soooooo much better and gives us more control.

  4. I don’t like the position of the CSS selector, in any of the themes. Perhaps it can be moved into the upper-right corner of the site, instead of being in the content area?

  5. Also note that width more than approx. 6 in makes text VERY hard to read (it makes sense to set frame width limit for hires displays, and pad with white space).

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