neysx sure is busy

neysx (the guy who did almost all of the current website) was really busy while I was away and added tons of new features to the backend. He is one smart guy, I need to start talking to him more and pick his brain. It took me a while to study his changes and figure out how it all works. I spent all day yesterday integrating it and am almost done. I’ll push my changes to CVS tonight.

The forum is going well, we had a spammer that wouldn’t give up and I think deathwing got a little frustrated with him, hehehehe. Oh well, forum life is fun. 🙂

Status of the redesign

Hi everyone,
I’m sure a lot of you are wondering what is going on with the website redesign since I haven’t been blogging and no progress has been seen at the test site. I was away for the last month setting up a new client and taking care of the beginning of the school year PTA stuff (PTA == Parent Teacher Association). I’m done with that stuff and back in action (other than the occasional brownie baking marathon for our monthly bake sale).

I’ve spent the last week or so catching up on my forum duties and am planning on working on the website all this week. I have a short list that I need to accomplish to get the test site stable and in working order which *should* only take me until this coming Sunday, Oct 9th. Once that happens I will be posting to the gentoo-dev mailing list asking for feedback on useability, accessibilty, menu entries and browser compatibility, etc….

Sorry I was away for so long but the kids and my job have to come first. It’s good to be back and I look forward to getting our new website up and running soon!