How to find issues related to LINGUAS

Usually, I want to find all possible issues with the LINGUAS variable, so in my arch testing environment I have enabled all linguas that the main tree uses.
To keep my make.conf more ‘clear’ I’m using source and another file called linguas.conf.

So, this is my /etc/portage/linguas.conf:
LINGUAS="am fil zh af ca cs da de el es et gl hu nb nl pl pt ro ru sk sl sv uk bg cy en eo fo ga he id ku lt lv mk ms nn sw tn zu ja zh_TW en_GB pt_BR ko zh_CN ar en_CA fi kk oc sr tr fa wa nds as be bn bn_BD bn_IN en_US es_AR es_CL es_ES es_MX eu fy fy_NL ga_IE gu gu_IN hi hi_IN is ka kn ml mr nn_NO or pa pa_IN pt_PT rm si sq sv_SE ta ta_LK te th vi ast dz km my om sh ug uz ca@valencia sr@ijekavian sr@ijekavianlatin sr@latin csb hne mai se es_LA fr_CA zh_HK br la no es_CR et_EE sr_CS bo hsb hy mn sr@Latn lb ne bs tg uz@cyrillic xh be_BY brx ca_XV dgo en_ZA gd kok ks ky lo mni nr ns pap ps rw sa_IN sat sd ss st sw_TZ ti ts ve mt ia az me tl ak hy_AM lg nso son ur_PK it fr nb nb_NO hr nan ur tk cs_CZ da_DK de_1901 de_CH en_AU lt_LT pl_PL sa sk_SK th_TH ta_IN tt sco ha mi ven ar_SY el_GR ro_RO ru_RU sl_SI uk_UA vi_VN ar_SY te_IN de_DE es_VE fa_IR fr_FR hu_HU id_ID it_IT ja_JP ka_GE nl_NL sr_BA sr_RS ca_ES fi_FI he_IL jv ru_gold yi eu_ES chr jp"

Now you need to set in your make.conf:
source /etc/portage/linguas.conf

I will update this post if there will be new linguas/languages in the future.

[01-31-2013]: Add chr and jp.

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