the return of glimmr

So I’ve returned to the fold of open source lately, and I’ve missed it over the busy past few months. I’ve also returned to my favourite online services – blogging, flickr and Flickr is especially one of my favourites, even though I don’t take a lot of photos with my cheap Canon C-150, I like browsing around following tags like currents.

I’ve been thinking hard about starting work on a rewrite of Glimmr, an open source, C#/Mono application for uploading photos to Flickr. I can’t remember exactly why I started writing Glimmr. At the time it filled a hole in both the Linux Flickr tools (which were mostly one big hole), and in my expansive free time, but the code was never meant to last. It was one of those projects that most people write to learn something. In my case – GTK#.

So I’ve wanted something a bit more lasting, something a bit cooler and I was actually looking forward to a bit of a rewrite, something that could be structured from the ground up.

So it will be started – glimmr2? oh, how about – glimmr-ng *all together now – cringe*.