gecko-sharp, ipod, servers

I finally got around to verifying my gecko-sharp/https bug with latexer and reporting it upstream. Basically, the gecko WebControl widget crashes when accessing SSL/https, while epiphany/mozilla handle things fine. This’ll be a showstopper for the new Glimmr, thanks to the whole new Yahoo/Flickr authentication system.

I received my 60G iPod yesterday, so there went a whole night of ripping my CD collection. Yet to play with it under linux, as soon as I get the newest rhythmbox into portage I’ll play with it and GtkPod. I’m also looking forward to having a go at Calendar/Contact sync’ing which was worked on as part of a bounty.

Finally, I’ll be working the weekend tomorrow and reinstalling our file server at work. It’s currently running some ancient Mandrake version, installed by the tech guy before me. I’ve got to be a bit careful as it’s holding about 500G of graphics work for the “pretty pictures department” that I really don’t want to lose.