Blog ready + internet connection recovered

Thinking of it as my first post to the blog, I have to thank Steve Dibb ‘beandog’ for setting it up for me so quickly. Thanks beandog!

Now the good news. As some people might have noticed, I was offline since Wednesday, October 11, 2006. My internet connection went down unexpectedly. After digging into the logs of the cable modem, I discovered that although it was able to acquire the upstream and downstream channels, it failed to contact my ISPs DHCP server. In fact, the cable modem was complaining that it received no DHCP offers.

I was forced to call my ISP and report the issue. They replied me that they changed some of their systems and that all Motorola cable modems would be unusable for a determined period of time. In fact, they told me that the issue would be solved at 3:30 pm on Thursday, however that did not happen and I was forced to call again. This time they replied that it would be solved at 11:30 pm of the same day. I wish it was true. The next day on the morning (today, Friday), I was still with no internet connection. Seeing the poor results of my ISP’s efforts, I decided to call them once again and request them to change the cable modem immediately as I needed my internet connection at all costs before the evening. After some minutes standing by, they said that they could not do such thing until the issue with the Motorola cable modems was solved. Now that was awful! I asked them to replace my cable modem because the one I had didn’t work and they replied me that they couldn’t do that until it did work.

Anyhow, I went to the univeristy in order to take care of what I had to do. I had my SSH keys on me (passphrase protected, of course) so I logged in really quickly into woodpecker, set up my .devaway and notified a few people on freenode about the situation.

Lucky me, at about 8:00 pm the internet connection was restored and I had over 700 email messages pending for reading, spam excluded.

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