KMess-1.5 pre1 hits the tree with LINGUAS support

I have commited a recent pre-release version of net-im/kmess and I added LINGUAS support to it. The peculiarity of this ebuild is that it provides three different character sets for Chinese input (two additional: zh_CN.GB18030 and zh_CN.GB2312). For users that need Chinese support, simply adding zh_CN to their LINGUAS will make all three character sets get installed. Another peculiarity is that the Estonian locale is called ‘ee’ instead of ‘et’, however users that need Estonian support do not have to worry about it, as I added a check so that when ‘et’ is present in LINGUAS, the ‘ee.po’ file is used.

This new version of KMess not only contains many fixes for various bugs (some of them annoying to the user), but it also provides the new protocols MSNP12 and MSNC5 together with new interface improvements. Let’s mention that among the many new additions, users can now receive winks, send and receive nudges and use direct connection support, which results in faster file transfers.

If you want to try this pre-release version of KMess, you will find it keyworded for ~x86 ~amd64 ~ppc and ~sparc.

3 thoughts on “KMess-1.5 pre1 hits the tree with LINGUAS support”

  1. Seems quite an interesting package! Testing this out right now.

    First observation: LINGUAS=et will install estonian translations as you describe. However this gets still installed as ee into the system (/usr/share/locale/ee/LC_MESSAGES/ with kmess-1.5_pre1

    This means:
    a) a system that has the appropriate locale environment variables set to estonian will not see the translation, as this is not an installation of the estonian translation, but something for a language with the code “ee”
    b) a system that has only estonian and english support in glibc and X doesn’t seem to work with this translation even if explicitly setting LC_ALL to ee
    c) The translation will be purged with localepurge that is set up to retain only estonian translations

    I’m not sure why I wrote this in so many words, but just please get this moved into et on live system as well and “beat” upstream. Thanks 🙂

    Now to check out the app itself, as I use english on my desktop anyhow.

  2. Thanks for the feedback. I already emailed upstream about this. Obviously I overlooked at the installation of the Estonian LC_MESSAGES. I’ll try to fix it today.

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