Theremin : great mpd client for Mac OS X

Maybe you remember in a previous post that I mentioned pympd as probably the best linux GUI client to mpd. Well that’s true for linux, but now that I also use Mac OS X, I’m looking for a mac client to mpd.

What’s mpd again ? “Music Player Daemon (MPD) allows remote access for playing music (MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, AAC, Mod, and wave files) and managing playlists”.

MPD runs on linux, and a lot of clients exist to locally or remotely control it. However, last time I checked, the only Mac OS X client was the buggy MpcOSX, that I wouldn’t recommend.

I just discovered that Theremin is now usable. This mpc client is full-featured, and nice. It has an itunes like music browser, it retrieves album cover art from amazon, manage playlists, trigger full or partial update of the mpd database, etc. It’s stable and available for PPC and Intel based macs. Give it a try !

Theremin screenshot