London !


I spent the weekend in London with Sandra. We went to camden market, St james Park, Tate Modern, etc… London or Paris ? I don’t know which one I prefer yet ! 🙂

new blog home

Hello there,

My blog has finally moved here, this place should be its final location.
Let’s start with some Perl. I needed to build a small robot to fake human interaction on a web site. Perl provides great tools for that :

that, with the firefox LiveHTTPheader extension, and ethereal, gives you great power.

My small contribution : a trivial patch to add basic authentication in mech-dump, as it is available in lwp-request.

Gentoo booth at LSM

This week from Tuesday (tomorrow) until Saturday, the 7th edition of the Libre Software Meeting will be held in Nancy, France. This is going to be a great event, with sun, friends and beers. Oh and OSS/Free software of course 🙂

If you go there, make sure to stop by the gentoo booth, set up by Kernelsense, maxtoo and myself. We’ll sell x86 livecds away, and burn other gentoo isos on-demand.