Introducing to Gentoo-Quebec

Gentoo-quebec is a project which aims to meet people around gentoo stuffs.
At the origin it was created on 1st December 2007 per 5 guys

-Laurent Duchesne
-Sylvain Alain
-Patrick Blanchard
-Éric Langlois
-Mathieu Bouchard

Providing great documentations as PDF format (generated using LaTeX :D) and excellents wiki howtos pages, this is the right place to share and learn experiences.

There is also an useful and powerful forum for our community, to get feedbacks and ask all your questions, don’t worry admins didn’t forget an english section ;).

Actually I help them when I’ve time enough, my areas of responsability are mostly fix or write articles in the wiki, and share my experiences (and learn too) on the forum.

Gentoo-quebec always search great users with good gentoo skills, or developer who want to share their knowledges (like zmedico with portage, thanks to him).

so because you finished to read this entry don’t wait and join gentoo-quebec ! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Introducing to Gentoo-Quebec”

  1. Thank’s for this brief word about Gentoo-Québec. I wish to see more and more people joining our ranks and most of all a lot of people using that great distro and no doubt I am talking about Gentoo Linux..

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