more elog goodness

After venting about annoying users last week I’ll try to post something a bit more useful today, maybe this will even evolve into a series about what’s new in portage land.

Well, today I added a little extension to the elog subsystem to make multi-target logging a bit more useful by extending the PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM syntax a bit. Now you can override PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES per module, so for example one might send all messages into a file (using the save-summary module added in 2.1.2) and additionally send the important ones also by mail. Another related extension is that you can now use a * wildcard whereever a loglevel is wanted to include all loglevels.
So using the example above you would put the following in your make.conf:
PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM="save-summary:* mail:log,warn,error"