hardware problems

Why does almost everytime I start working on something my server decide to kill itselfa little while later? And when it doesn’t why does suddenly my internet connection drop out for a few hours just when I’m about to commit a change to gentoo-stats?

This is really not helping in getting my SoC project (gentoo-stats for those who don’t know about it) done in the estimated timeframe.

As for the server problem, my current guess is that it’s caused by an overheated graphics card (an old passive cooled GF2MX), but that’s just a wild guess as it was a bit warm when I checked temperatures after the last lockup (and the general symptoms indicate a heat problem), I might replace it if I’ll ever get around to search for a cheap low-power, low-heat, no-noise AGP card that works with this board (I’d use the even older TNT, but it’s not compatible with the AGP slot on the board due to the 3,3V/5V issue).